
[Deleted User][Deleted User]

I have only run monitoring for the last day and have not read the help in depth so excuse my question but do the graphs last any more than 24hrs? Can you view weekly montly or yearly graphs?



  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The data is there but currently only last 24h are shown. In the next release users will be able to plot graphs with their own time ranges.

    You can trick ServersCheck to create your own graphs. It is a manual process but if you want I can send you the syntax


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]

    Yes please post syntax I think it will be of interest to all.


    P.S. great product - another ques' though how does ServersCheck determine download time of a webpage - the timings seem to be very low compared to me manually checking a full load of a page?

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Dear Guest,

    the download time does not include graphics but only the HTML code of the page. So it is the HTML download time that is measured.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]

    Can you post the syntax for the graphing?


  • AdministratorAdministrator

    1. locate the RRDTOOL in your ServersCheck directory

    2. Lookup the name of the .rrd file for your check (in the directory c:serverscheck_databases)

    3. Syntax for creating a graph:

    rrdtool.exe graph test.gif -s -Xd -h 200 -w 500 -U Unit -t Value - Unit -v Unit DEF:response_line=X2database:response:MIN LINE2:response_line#003399:Unit -c CANVAS#E5E5E5

    Where X is the number of days you want to go back eg X=7 for one week. X2 is the name and path to the rrd file of the check you want to plot. So it will always be something like C:serverscheck_databasesfile.rrd

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Dear all,

    in the new release of ServersCheck (3.0.0) graphing time range can be defined on a per check basis.

    Go to the home page to download the new release.

    This implementation should solve the above enhancement request and close this thread.

    Thanks again for your valuable input.


This discussion has been closed.